playing non-stop breakbeat, jungle, rave &c.
welcome to break glass and climb onto tracks

now broadcasting(?) across the third and along the fourth in beautiful 32kbs mpeg avalable 24/7 in the player below!
proudly supported by Ozone-Value Holdings.

radio player

the station

it is inspired the skyline of 11,505 neocities at sunrise and the great (depricated) CordFuck

i was listening to radio 3 one night (acedemically) and i thought it would be funny if the most fucked up goregrind esque shitpost album was introduced in the quiet contemplative sonorous way they do it over there. i started making it but then i realized i actually like music so then i kind of pivoted to normie breakcore.

it was orrigionally meant to be presented from the little hallway space inbetween spaces (i was travelling a lot and spent loads of time reading in the little hallways on trains with no seats left). i did record a couple of the links but it was stressfull and difficult to do undisturbed. this is where the name comes from. eventually i decided to switch to studio voice over and then to espeak tts to test the system, but i may return to my own voice one day.

the system

break glass and climb onto tracks runs on a scavenged computer.

the tracks are sourced from internet, via recomendation. it runs on a custom liquidsoap script, powered by SQlite, with pages (such as this one) dependent on PHP. care has been taken to remove all Javascript from the station. the song list and the "now playing" component are both from the breakglass server. i am currently procarastinating making the "now playing" one dynamic so you dont have to reload the page evrytime the song changes -__-

OzVa helped a ton with setting up the systems and admins it so i dont have to. im not the best at css either so one of their ips helped with the website.

the liquidsoap script running the station is a work in progress right now. the voice is currently generated dynamically by espeak, but i plan to record all the annos and back-annos when i get to something like 100 tracks total. one of the most time consiming things is writing the introductions without sounding too repetative so many of the tracks dont have them yet.

i have a few old scavenged solar pannels and a cheap car inverter. One day i would love to hook them up to the station, similar to LOW TECH MAGAZINE. its currently a regular sized atx pc (which i cant really run off solar obviously) but a laptop could work (it comes with a battery)

i am more than happy to take recomendations. the only criteria is what YOU, and then ultimately ME, think of the song. does it fit the station sound?
